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Thursday 11 December 2014

Progressing by THE WORD!

progressing by the WORD of GOD
Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15)

8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success (Joshua 1:8 - KJV).

The Word of God has a service in our lives, and this is something that needs to be underlined by the Church. The Christian should be ravenous for the Word. You need to constantly open your heart and minds to the Word to construct, fortify, and secure you forever to appreciate all that God has made accessible to you in Christ. We read the Apostle Paul's counsel to the young person Timothy, saying, "Contemplate upon these things; provide for thyself completely to them… ." What things would he say he was alluding to?

In the former parts of 1 Timothy, Paul had imparted particular and basic truths from God's Word with Timothy; it was those disclosures he urged him to ruminate upon. In the event that the Spirit thought it fit to give Timothy such fundamental advice through the Apostle Paul, then its just as befitting to us today. We're to always ponder the disclosure of God's Word that we've gotten.

Perceive likewise that he said to him, "… provide for thyself entirely to them… " That signifies, "yield" yourself totally to the Word. Permit the Word to have control over your life. Given it a chance to rule your reasoning, impact your words, and move your activities. Yielding yourself to the Word is a cognizant and purposeful reaction, started from your soul to the Word of God.

Envision that somebody said to you, "Get up," and you instantly obliged, particularly upon due examination of the direction, and attention of the one from whom it came, you've "yielded" yourself to that guideline. Thus, you'll then appreciate the profits of the direction. The profit of "yielding" yourself entirely to the Word is that your "benefitting" will seem to all. The Greek word deciphered "benefitting" is "prokope," which implies advancement, advancement or headway. This implies you'll make progression by the Word; your advancement gets to be clear when the Word is last power in your life.

The expression, "may show up" in our opening verse really implies more than "something nearing easily into sight"; the Greek term is "Phaneros," which signifies, "to spread abroad." Your progression, advancement, and thriving will "spread abroad," get to be generally and straightforwardly known, as you "contemplate" and "yield" yourself entirely and totally to the Word of God

Have a blessed day!

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