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Wednesday 14 May 2014

12 Golden Principles For Experiencing Happiness - Part 3

happy9. Pursue Healthy Relationships
Often the troubles you face in life can be attributed
to the friends and relationships that you have chosen
to develop. It has been said that misery enjoys
company. Abusive relationships will create abusive
situations, while loving relationships will create
loving situations. It is very important for you to
develop healthy, loving, and Christ-centered
relationships that will encourage you toward being
your best. Do not spend time with others who do not
recognize God’s potential inside of you. Learn how to
appreciate your family members and celebrate their
strengths. Fellowship with believers who discern
your talents, your abilities, and those who will
challenge you to be who God has called you to be!
“Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable)
is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of
the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and
purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in
the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax
and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers]
gather.” (Psalm 1:1, AMP)

10. Create An Atmosphere For Rest And
After you’ve taken care of your daily duties and
assignments, create an atmosphere for rest and
relaxation. This could be at the end of your day
before retiring to bed, or even during set hours on
the weekend. It’s necessary to schedule this time into
your agenda. In order to work at your fullest
potential, it’s very important to make time for rest.
God rested on the seventh day of creation as an
example for us all (Genesis 2:2).
One way you can create an atmosphere for
relaxation is by taking a calming, warm bath before
going to bed. Relaxing in the bathtub helps to relieve
tense muscles and can also aid in re-energizing your
body from feeling exhausted or stressed by daily
pressures, aches, and pains. While you’re enjoying
your bath, you could also consider playing gentle
SpiritSpa music in the background or dimming the
lights. Another way to relax is by utilizing the
calming benefits of massage. I personally enjoy
receiving a foot massage after days of standing on my
feet while preaching for hours. It helps greatly in
restoring my ability to stand for long hours.
During their healing rituals, the Old Testament
priests would often touch specific points of a person’s
body, anointing their hands or feet (Leviticus 14:17).
This is very interesting as recent medical studies
have confirmed specific emotional release points
within those parts of the body. “Therefore, since the
promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be
careful that none of you be found to have fallen short
of it.” (Hebrews 4:1)

11. Always Choose Integrity
Shortly before Dr. Oral Roberts passed away, Janet
Angela and I had a special opportunity to sit at his
feet one afternoon as we gathered together in his
living room in Newport Beach, California. He was
such a great man of faith, a real General in God’s
Army. He personally witnessed hundreds of
thousands of people being healed in his tent revivals
and he went on in life to do something that others
thought was impossible: he built a world-renowned
university and a hospital where faith and miracles
happened on a daily basis.
But the thing that struck me the most about Dr. Oral
Roberts that afternoon wasn’t the miracles he had
seen or other great accomplishments. It was the fact
that he had lived his life with integrity. Ruth Ward
Heflin once said, “The anointing is God’s gift to
mankind, but integrity is our gift back to God.” When
you choose to walk in honor, dignity, and integrity,
you are leaving a tremendous legacy for others to
follow in your footsteps. It’s not how you start the
race, but how you finish it that counts. Choosing to
do the right thing and walking in integrity will
position you for untold happiness – knowing that
you’ve always done the right thing! “Blessed (happy,
fortunate, to be envied) is the man to whom the Lord
imputes no iniquity and in whose spirit there is no
deceit.” (Psalm 32:2)

12. Give Generously To Others
Your life will never truly be enriched until you learn
how to reach out unto others. As you give to others, it
will come back to you. Many different cultures
around the world recognize this spiritual principle.
The Word of God calls it “sowing and reaping”
(Galatians 6:9). Dr. Leo Buscaglia said, “Too often we
underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind
word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential
to turn a life around.” Learning how to be generous
with your time, love, consideration, and finances will
cause you to be a blessing to others and in turn you
will also experience new dimensions of happiness in
your own life. “Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be
envied) is he who considers the weak and the poor;
the Lord will deliver him in the time of evil and
trouble.” (Psalm 41:1, AMP)

by Joshua Mills

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