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Wednesday 14 May 2014

Have an attitude of gratitude

gratitude“Let no foul or polluting language
come out of your mouth.”
(Ephesians 4:29)

Your words can pollute or purify. If you
constantly complain, you release poison into your
life. Complaining is not based on your
circumstances; it is based on the attitude of your
heart. If you keep the right attitude during your
time of adversity, God will honor you.
When you have a heart full of gratitude, it leaves
no room for complaining. There is always
something to thank God for, no matter what kind
of adversity you have in your life. Start by
thanking Him for giving you life and salvation
through Jesus Christ. Thank God for the air you
breathe and the sunsets you enjoy. Thank Him
for the promises in His word that no matter where
you are in life, He is

leading, guiding, and
prospering you.
Decide today to live a life of thanksgiving. Don’t
allow the poison of complaining to prevent you
from receiving all God has for you!

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