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Saturday 3 May 2014

knowing God

Knowing God
knowingMany of God's people are struggling and can't seem to find out why nothing works for them anymore. Some are giving up and turning away. But for those who will remain faithful and determined to know their God, the best is yet to come. I believe that God wants to pour out His blessings; however, we must be in position to receive.
We read in Philippians of Paul's dedicated life toward God. Paul reveals his entire reason for existence was centered in Christ. Many Christians look at living the life of faith as a constant struggle. But Paul talks about a place in Christ where there is JOY in believing. I don't know about you, but if there's a place like that, I intend to get there.
What is faith? Faith is nothing more than believing God. If you have faith in someone, that just simply means you trust them and have confidence in them. There is a place in God where it becomes JOYFUL to trust Him. If you were to say to some people, "Use your faith," they would groan, "Oh, has it come to that?" Where's the joy of faith? It's only through knowing God that you can truly understand the joy of faith.

When you know somebody, you know their likes and their dislikes. God knows you. He knows you so well that He has even numbered every hair on your head. He also knows the thought and intent of your heart. Now, that's intimate.
I hear Christians say, "I don't know God's will." When you get to know Him, you'll know His will. That's the reason He wants you to know Him.
Many Christians can quickly identify the voice of the devil, but then they say, "God never talks to me." How is it that they know the devil's voice? Maybe they are fellowshipping with the wrong fellow.

The greatest desire of Paul's life was to know God. The greatest desire of your life should be to know Him. And when you know Him, you won't have to worry about your needs. You won't have to struggle with your faith. There will come a JOY in believing. When your back is up against the wall, and you're facing impossible circumstances, you will then declare, "I know in Whom I have believed, and HE IS ABLE!!"
Anchor Scriptures: Philippians 1:20-28 Philippians 3:8-12

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