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Wednesday 14 May 2014

“When Are Success And Prosperity Going To Come My Way?”

“When Are Success And Prosperity Going To Come My Way?”

1. Success is NOT something we obtain. It’s
something we are (Genesis 39:2). The Lord was with
Joseph, so he became a SUCCESSFUL and
PROSPEROUS man. Notice, prosperity was not
something he had, it was something HE WAS.
2. Just as the Lord was with Joseph, He is with you
—and then some! For Joseph, God was WITH him.
For you, God is also IN you. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says,
“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and
that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
3. See the image inside of you of a successful and
prosperous person, regardless of what

circumstances you find yourself in. Joseph saw
himself prosperous, and therefore HELPING OTHER
PEOPLE SUCCEED was not a threat to him. He knew
who he was.
4. You have a treasure in you (2 Corinthians 4:7).
We have this treasure in earthen vessels. Don’t doubt
the treasure in you. You have power, love and a
sound mind. You have wisdom, faith and joy. The
kingdom of God is IN you, etc.
5. Remember what Jesus said: “The greatest
among you is the servant of all” (Matthew 23:11).
Understand that this starts with KNOWING THERE IS
GREATNESS IN YOU. Serving doesn’t make you great.
But when you realize the greatness God put in you,
you will serve others gladly. When you are secure in
your own success (on the inside, because God is with
you and in you), you neither feel inferior nor
superior to others; you’re just happy to serve. Failure
can only come when we try to find success
somewhere other than in us. God put it there.
I don’t need to wait for success to come my way. I am
a prosperous and successful person, because God is
with me AND in me. Wherever I go, I bring success.
To prosper is not something I do, it’s something I am.
Regardless of my circumstances, success is in me. I
will not wait for someone to give it to me. I have a
treasure inside of me. That treasure
makes me secure and confident so that I can freely
and gladly serve others and see them become
successful, in Jesus’ Name.

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