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Sunday 15 June 2014

12 habits every Christian should develop

1. Study the Word of God (Bible) Everyday of Your Life

In order to be an effective Christian, I will advise to Study His Word (the Bible). In the day of adversity (trials and temptations) it is the depth of the word of God in you that will save you. Paul advised timothy to study the Word (2 Tim 2:15)

2. Pray without season

Prayer is communicating with God. Have a habit of communicating with your Father always. Develop the habit of praying at all times. (Eph 6:18)

3. Fast At Least Once a Week

Fasting is very good both spiritually and physically. Fasting (Matt 6:16) makes one spiritually sensitive. Physically, doctors say fasting is of help to the body.

4. Be filled with the spirit constantly - singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord (Eph 5:19).

Never allow worldly music to be played in your presence, even if it is coming from the radio. This habit will make you create a Holy Spirit friendly environment around you all the time. The Holy Spirit will come to you because God inhabits praise and worship. You will also unconsciously drive away evil spirits without intending to do so. (1 Samuel 16:23).

 5. Develop the habits of reading Christian books constantly

Somebody said the day a man stops learning is the day he starts dying. Gain knowledge continually As soon as you finish one book, begin reading another. This is a very good habit that will unconsciously increase your knowledge and learning (Col 3:16).

6. Have Long term and Short term goals

Short term goals are goals you can achieve within a short period of time while long term goals are goals you achieve within a larger frame of time. As it is commonly said, if you fail to plan, you have planned to fail. Plan you year, month, week and day properly. Set aside time for work and have time for rest.

7. Develop the habit of committing your ways unto the Lord.

Yes, commit you ways unto the Lord, and you will succeed. Do not be wise in your own sight (Prov 3:5, Prov 3:7, Prov 16:3). No matter how good your plan should be commit your ways unto the Lord. God sees better than you do

8. Have a habit of sharing the gospel to people

You have seen the light of God also help others by helping them to see this light. God will reward every labour of Love. Sharing the gospel as a Christian is a command by God (Mark 16:15). Let us be fruitful like Jesus

9. Cut down excessive leisure.

Nowadays what people want is leisure. They watch Television, play games, go to beaches etc. leisure is good but too much of leisure is bad.

Much Leisure takes up the time that would have been used reading, praying, having a quiet time, talking with God, chatting with your wife or children.

10. Do things instantly and Don’t procrastinate

It is a much known principle in being led by the Spirit to do things the spirit says you should do instantly, if not they might slip away without you doing them. Procrastination is postponing things that could be done now to a latter time. People that procrastinate end up doing nothing.

11. Be Optimistic

Being optimistic is being positive. While others say, it is over; you are saying there is hope, while other say it is impossible you say it is possible. This is the attitude that will keep you going. Be optimistic in whatever you do. Always confess positive, do not be negative. What you say is what you get. Have a habit of confessing positive into your destiny and into the life of others.

12. Pay Your Tithes Every Month

Let the first ten percent of your income be assigned to God (Mal 3:10).

Do you consider yourself to be a leader? Develop a life filled with many good habits.

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