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Tuesday 17 June 2014

The Winning Approach

You've probably heard it said, "It's in the hands of God whether we will be winners or losers."

Do you believe that?

I don't!

Man was created to be a winner. The Bible tells us so! We read in Genesis, for example, that man was originally put on this earth to have dominion over the work of God's hands. God gave him dominion over the earth and everything that crept, flew, crawled and breathed there. In fact, man didn't even know what losing was until he separated himself from God through disobedience in the Garden of Eden. When that happened, man plunged into the defeat realm. He had not choice but to accept failure as his lot in life, as a result of the disobedience. This demoted man to a subordinate position—a position he was never meant to occupy.
It's a sad story. But if you're a born-again child of God, I have good news for you. Your story has a happy ending. Through faith in Christ Jesus

You've been transformed from the inside out. You've been made a winner once again!
You cannot know this by feeling nor thinking. You can only know this from God's Word alone. You might be thinking, I don't feel like a winner! I feel like a loser—and I have plenty of failures in my life to prove it! If that's the case, don't worry. You just need a new attitude. And you can get it from the Word of God.

In the book of Romans, Apostle Paul told the Church not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of their mind that they may prove the perfect, good and acceptable will of God.
Rom 12:2 - KJV
 And be not conformed to this world [FAILURE]: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind [WITH GOD'S WORD], that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I am reminded here of a king who wanted to fight a battle but his soldiers were so filled with the fear of loosing the battle. On the contrary, the king wanted to persuade them to fight the battle for he knew they will win if only they fought with enthusiasm. he then told his disciples that he has a 'MAJIC COIN' and if he will win a battle the side of the coin that will face up when it is tossed will be the eagle and if they will lose the battle the part of the coin that will face up will be the bear i.e the coin has two sides (eagle and bear side). He then called all his soldiers together and tossed the coin three times in their presence, in which the eagle side of the coin showed up those three times. The 'majic coin' indicated  that they would win the battle. This really encouraged the soldiers and they went with the King to fight the battle and WON.

After the battle the King revealed to them that it was not a  'majic coin' and as a matter of fact the two sides of the coin are both "eagle'. There is no bear side of the coin.


Jesus said all things are possible for him that BELIEVETH (Mark 9:22). There are about 365 places in the scriptures that tells us to 'FEAR NOT'.

Brethren, if a man is in Christ He is a new creature (2 Cor 5:17), failure, negativity is passed away. All things have become new.

How to become a new Creature - Sinners Prayer

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