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Sunday 11 May 2014

During unplesant times..., 10 things to keep in mind

discouragedRecently, as I was reading this in Jerry savelles' devotional and it blessed my life so i am sharing this with you.
Jerry Savelle - As I was reading Psalm 27, the Lord said to me, "I'm going to give you a checklist for what to do in time of trouble. It worked for David, and it will work for you." The Psalmist, David, had faced trouble many times in his life but always found God to be more than enough to see him through and cause him to become the victor in every case.
This checklist has been such a blessing to me that I sensed in my heart it would be beneficial to you. It comes right out of the Word of God, and I, for one, know that it will produce results. Follow it closely, study and meditate the Scripture references and then use it at the very first sign of trouble.


The power of speaking Gods Word

God Spoke and It Stood Fast!

faith-word-cloud-18427905One of the most amazing truths in the Bible is that the world
and the vast reaches of space and of the universe — all that the
eye can see and beyond what the eye can see — were spoken
into existence by God. The Word of God — God's own words
— are absolutely irresistible! It's amazing to realize that God
made everything that is — the universe, the stars, the constellations, animals, oceans, rivers — by His Word. He simply spoke it, and it was; the worlds came into being.
Nothing can stand in the way of the words that God speaks. There is no force in the universe that can refute, come against, or deny the power in God's irresistible and irrefutable Word.
There is no force strong enough to nullify God's Word. The Word that God speaks is irresistible! The Bible is God's Word,
and no Word of His is void of power or impossible of fulfillment!

Saturday 10 May 2014

What Faith is...

faith-53426112FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
- Hebrews 11:1
God is telling us exactly what Bible faith is. Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is the evidence of things not seen and faith is the substance of things hoped for. In other words, faith is
substance. Moffatt's translation of Hebrews 11:1 reads: "Now faith means that we are confident of what we hope for, convinced of what we do not see." Another translation
reads: "Faith is giving substance to things hoped for."

Human Faith vs. Bible Faith
However, we must understand that there are a number of kinds of faith. For example, everyone has a natural human faith, whether they are saved or unsaved. But in Hebrews 11:1, God is talking about a scriptural faith - a Bible faith. Bible faith is
believing with your heart.
There is a vast difference

Saturday 3 May 2014

Seven Steps to Spiritual growth

foam-digit-seven-72209227 Steps to Spiritual growth
1. You must be born again - John 3:3, Rom 10:10
2. You have to keep living for Christ/ serve God with your whole heart – Rom 6:4, 6:18, Mark 12:33

knowing God

Knowing God
knowingMany of God's people are struggling and can't seem to find out why nothing works for them anymore. Some are giving up and turning away. But for those who will remain faithful and determined to know their God, the best is yet to come. I believe that God wants to pour out His blessings; however, we must be in position to receive.
We read in Philippians of Paul's dedicated life toward God. Paul reveals his entire reason for existence was centered in Christ. Many Christians look

Understanding Salvation

Understanding Salvation
salvation1The story of mankind as found in the Bible (book of Genesis) is a fascinating one that you will want to read for yourself. Although science may lead us to believe that we came from some single-celled life form in the sea, the Bible tells us otherwise. In the Bible, you will find that God created man separately from other life. He created two people—one male, whom He called Adam, and one female, whom Adam called Eve. When Adam and Eve walked the earth, things were harmonious and peaceful. The Lord

All Glory be to God

“Live to the glory of God!”

glory1But he [Stephen, the first martyr], being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw THE GLORY OF GOD, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.
—Acts 7:55

God is a God of glory. The Bible speaks of the glory of God as a big-subject that appears about 275 times in the English translation, fifty (50) times alone in the book of Psalms.

Everything God ever made He made with a purpose of giving Him glory. We find that in Psalm 19 chapter 1 where the Bible says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork. When God made inanimate creation, when He made the heavens and the Earth, they were for His glory. And even when He made the animate creation, you know it says in Isaiah 43 that the beast of the field